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The three LEAs (Lyon, Nye, and Washoe School Districts) provided ASQ-SE training for schools and community early childhood professionals. As a result, developmental screenings have been provided to 1,169 young children (2013-2016 school years). The school districts and community agencies have dev...

Behavioral Health/Mental Health | Developmentally Appropriate | Early Care and Education | Evidence Based/Informed | Family Strengthening/Family Engagement | Parent Skills Training | Policy | Screening and Assessment | Social and Emotional Well-Being | System Change | Technology | Trauma Informed/Response | Vulnerable Populations

Recognition of the critical importance of mental health in the education of young children has brought significant change to Laconia’s Pleasant Street School (PSS) and other district schools.

Developmentally Appropriate | Disparities/Disproportionalities | Early Care and Education | Family Driven | Family Strengthening/Family Engagement | Parent Skills Training | Social and Emotional Well-Being | Trauma Informed/Response

Provides national data showing how health care, family, and community factors are related to mental, behavioral, and developmental disorders in early childhood. Findings highlight specific factors that could be addressed through efforts at national, state and local levels.

Policy | Behavioral Health/Mental Health | Early Care and Education | Education | Social and Emotional Well-Being

Describes Colorado's work to promote early childhood social and emotional development through the use of mental health consultants in schools and child care programs. 

Early Childhood | Behavioral Health/Mental Health | Early Care and Education | Education | Social and Emotional Well-Being

Considers the role of educational attainment, degree type (e.g., concentration or major in early childhood or a related field), years of experience, and training. The brief concludes with implications for future research, as well as for policy and practice.

Early Childhood | Behavioral Health/Mental Health | Early Care and Education | Education | Social and Emotional Well-Being

Provides an overview of the qualifications and the professional development activities of the nation’s infant/toddler workforce, based on representative data collected by the National Survey of Early Care and Education.

Capacity Building/Workforce Development | Early Care and Education | Education | Home Visiting

Summarizes research about infant and toddler development, highlighting areas that are foundational for later school success.

Early Childhood | Early Care and Education | Education | Social and Emotional Well-Being
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