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Considers school policies that try to assist teachers in dealing with the variety of psychosocial and health problems that interfere with learning and performance. Cautions against fragmented supports for students and reviews the benefits of a "whole child" approach for improved outcomes.  

Behavioral Health/Mental Health | Policy | System Change

Examines and identifies ways to learn more about and heighten awareness of effective approaches that strengthen leadership for change and improvement in schools and districts.


Aids in preventing mental, emotional and behavioral disorder among young people, this policy brief is one in a series of three with highlights from the Institute of Medicine report. 


Includes statements from several national organizations representing school leadership and student support services provides a framework supported by educators for improving school safety and increasing access to mental health supports for children and youth.


Includes an informational brief from National Center for School Mental Health, which offers background and considerations for changing practice and policy to better integrate school mental health with Systems of Care approaches.


Aids in planning policy initiatives by posing important considerations and questions designed to help make key decisions, design effective strategies, and identify next steps in a comprehensive action plan to promote new or revised internal policies.

