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Provides a five-step model for ensuring the sustainability and quality of Pay for Success (PFS) programs, which directs private capital to social programs, with the opportunity for a return on investment if the programs achieve performance targets.

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Examines government accountability and efficiency and analyzes social impact bonds, a promising new approach to the government financing of social service programs or social “interventions.” 

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Discusses the Social Impact Bond model as a promising new approach that combines performance-based payments and market discipline with the potential to improve results, overcome barriers to social innovation, and encourage investments in cost-saving preventative service.

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Discusses Medicaid and mechanisms to help states support mental and behavioral health services. It includes the Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis Treatment (EPSDT) benefit, and how to create effective community-based behavioral health services for children and youth covered under Medicaid.

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Contains practical advice for engaging youth in community policy and decision-making groups. 

Youth Guided

Focuses on three key trends in learning technology:  mobile learning, online and blended learning, and e-textbooks. The report summarizes the findings of the Speak Up National Research Project, which held discussion forums around the country with K-12 students and their parents.

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Provides information and guidance to those who coordinate and deliver special education programs and services to children with disabilities in the school districts and counties participating in the New York State Medicaid Program.

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Highlights 15 federal elementary and secondary education programs that support universal prevention, and social and emotional learning initiatives.

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Presents a step-by-step framework for developing school, district, and state policies that increase educational equity, and aspirations and achievement for all students while generating positive change throughout the educational system.

Resource Leveraging

This manual was designed to help readers learn about youth-adult partnerships, establish and communicate one's own point of view about youth-adult partnerships, and build consensus on key youth-adult partnership issues with other stakeholders. 

Youth Guided
