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Nevada’s State and Community Integration

“The Collaboratory” integrates various state grants and initiatives to ensure a climate of collaboration. State leaders worked together to develop a State Integration Team to include many state initiatives in order to align the work across the state. The initiatives include: Project AWARE, School Climate Transformation, Pre-K Development, Systems of Care, Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, OJJDP Comprehensive School Safety Initiative, and State Youth Treatment Planning for Substance Abuse. The State Integration Team meets monthly to coordinate the work of all Nevada grants, and this team ensures the work and initiatives are integrated into one system to build a strong capacity for sustainability of successful initiatives. 

“The Collaboratory” leaders work together to align the work of each initiative and combine efforts of each grantee in order to “work smarter, not harder.” This process has led to integration of all grant initiatives into a collaborative effort to provide cross training across disciplines in schools and community agencies/organizations; to align and implement programming in schools; and to collect data across systems informing state leaders of best practices for the work of creating safe and violence-free schools. 

“As we have developed and grown as “The Collaboratory” team we have adopted a new motto – ‘Don’t take something away, put something in’.
We recognize that school districts are already under a lot of pressure to perform academic aerobics,
so it helps relieve the pressure if we come from a place of support instead of a place of breaking down.
We recognize that we are ‘Better Together’ and we support each other as we go about the work of integration and sustainability.
Our Collaboratory has become a place to explore these new ideas, practice new approaches and get our hands dirty in this beautiful mess!” 

- Pat Sanborn, Safe Schools/Healthy Students State Coordinator

“The Collaboratory” has worked together to develop and submit legislative House and Senate bill drafts for the 2017 Legislative Assembly to consider. The team submitted eleven (11) bills of which nine (9) were approved for legislation. A list of the bills submitted includes:

2017-2019 Legislative Updates

2017-2019 Legislative Overview

Behavioral Health/Mental Health
Integration of Behavioral Health into Primary Care
System Change